POI Directory


803 Montauk Highway
Intersection William Floyd & Montauk Hwy.
Shirley NY 11967

United States

   Phone: +631-395-5015
Boston Market Shirley


Find your nearest Boston Market Restaurants

Contact Details
Store ID:852

Opening Hours
Monday:11:00 - 22:00
Tuesday:11:00 - 22:00
Wednesday:11:00 - 22:00
Thursday:11:00 - 22:00
Friday:11:00 - 22:00
Saturday:11:00 - 22:00
Sunday:11:00 - 21:00

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Maps and GPS directions to Boston Market Shirley and other Boston Market Restaurants in the United States. Find your nearest Boston Market Restaurants. Boston Market (previously known as Boston Chicken), is a chain of American fast casual restaurants. Find Boston Market restaurant locations in your area and use GPS coordinates to get driving directions.

Boston Market Restaurants:  Distance 
Boston Market Selden 21 km 13.1 mi 🡠
Boston Market Lake Ronkonkoma 24.5 km 15.2 mi 🡠
Boston Market East Islip 36.7 km 22.8 mi 🡠
Boston Market Commack 46.4 km 28.8 mi 🡠
Boston Market East Haven 53.9 km 33.5 mi 🡡
Nearby POI: Distance 
KFC Shirley 0.1 km 0.1 mi 🡠
Wendy's Shirley 0.2 km 0.1 mi 🡢
Dunkin Donuts Shirley 0.3 km 0.2 mi 🡦
Burger King Shirley 0.3 km 0.2 mi 🡢
Applebee's Shirley 0.4 km 0.2 mi 🡢
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