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3210 Sw Topeka Blvd.
Topeka KS 66611

United States

   Phone: +(785) 266-3633
Denny's Restaurant Topeka KS


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Contact Details
Phone:(785) 266-3633

Opening Hours
Open:Denny's is known for always being open, serving
breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert around the clock.
Please call if visiting outside of the normal business hours.

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Maps and GPS directions to Denny's Restaurant Topeka KS and other Denny's Restaurants in the United States. Find your nearest Denny's Restaurants. Denny's is the most recognized name in family dining providing good food and service for more than 50 years. With approximately 1,500 restaurants across America, Denny's is the largest full-service family restaurant chain in the United States.
Denny's restaurants offer a casual dining atmosphere and moderately priced meals served 24 hours a day at most locations. Denny's is best known for its breakfasts served around the clock. The lunch and dinner menu are increasing in popularity. Denny's remains dominant for the late-night crowd with an emphasis on appetizers and desserts.

Denny's Restaurants:  Distance 
Denny's Restaurant Topeka 8.9 km 5.5 mi 🡠
Denny's Restaurant Merriam 110.7 km 68.8 mi 🡢
Denny's Restaurant Lenexa 106.4 km 66.1 mi 🡢
Denny's Restaurant Overland Park 113.4 km 70.5 mi 🡢
Denny's Restaurant Junction City 127.2 km 79.1 mi 🡠
Nearby POI: Distance 
KFC Topeka KS 66611 0.1 km 0 mi 🡠
Subway Topeka KS 66611 0.1 km 0.1 mi 🡠
McDonald's Topeka KS 66611 0.2 km 0.1 mi 🡤
Wendy's Topeka KS 66611 0.2 km 0.1 mi 🡣
Taco Bell Topeka/2 0.8 km 0.5 mi 🡥
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