POI Directory


51 Cascade Drive
Linn County
Lebanon OR 97355

United States

   Phone: +(541) 258-7755
KFC Lebanon OR


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Contact Details
Phone:(541) 258-7755
Catering Phone:(541) 258-7755
Store ID:4255
WiFi:Not available

Opening Times
Monday: -
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: -
Thursday: -
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

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Maps and GPS directions to KFC Lebanon OR and other KFC locations in the United States. Find your nearest KFC. KFC restaurants in the United States.
KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) is the world's second largest fast food restaurant chain with over 18,000 outlets in 120 countries. The company is a subsidiary of Yum! Brands, a restaurant company that also owns the Pizza Hut and Taco Bell restaurant chains.

KFC:  Distance 
KFC Albany OR 24.5 km 15.2 mi 🡠
KFC Corvallis 40.9 km 25.4 mi 🡠
KFC Salem OR 48.4 km 30.1 mi 🡡
KFC Salem OR 97302 45.9 km 28.5 mi 🡡
KFC Salem OR 97305 51.1 km 31.7 mi 🡡
Nearby POI: Distance 
Carl's Jr Green Burrito Lebanon 0.2 km 0.1 mi 🡠
EV Charging Station Lebanon OR 0.2 km 0.2 mi 🡡
Walgreens Lebanon OR 0.3 km 0.2 mi 🡤
GameStop Lebanon OR 0.3 km 0.2 mi 🡠
Subway Lebanon OR 97355 0.5 km 0.3 mi 🡠
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