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401 E Chestnut Street
Louisville KY 40202

United States

   Phone: +502-715-4227
Panera Bread Louisville KY


Find your nearest Panera Bread Cafe

Contact Details
Cafe ID:607016

Opening Hours
Monday:06:30 - 19:00
Tuesday:06:30 - 19:00
Wednesday:06:30 - 19:00
Thursday:06:30 - 19:00
Friday:06:30 - 19:00
Saturday:09:00 - 15:00
Sunday:09:00 - 15:00

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Maps and GPS directions to Panera Bread Louisville KY and other Panera Bread Cafe locations in the United States. Find your nearest Panera Bread Cafe. Panera Bread bakery-cafes are an everyday oasis, a place to gather with friends or enjoy a quiet moment alone. Comfortable, friendly, fashionable. A place to recharge and feel rejuvenated.
Panera Bread bakery-cafes bring the tradition of freshly baked artisan bread to neighborhoods in cities throughout the United States.

Panera Bread Cafe:  Distance 
Panera Bread Louisville 1.4 km 0.9 mi 🡤
Panera Bread Louisville KY 40205/1 4.7 km 2.9 mi 🡢
Panera Bread Louisville KY 40213 5 km 3.1 mi 🡦
Panera Bread Clarksville 8.9 km 5.5 mi 🡡
Panera Bread Louisville KY 40207/1 10.7 km 6.6 mi 🡢
Nearby POI: Distance 
Starbucks Louisville KY 40202/3 0.3 km 0.2 mi 🡠
McDonald's Louisville KY 40202-3800 0.3 km 0.2 mi 🡠
Subway Louisville KY 40202/4 0.6 km 0.4 mi 🡧
McDonald's Louisville KY 0.6 km 0.4 mi 🡡
Jimmy John's Louisville 40202/3 0.7 km 0.4 mi 🡡
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